Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Manchester, So Much To Answer Four

It's that time of year again, people. (Cue cut and paste.)

Anarcho-Stalinist-Wobbly-Zapatista surfer dudes The love child of Dane Bowers and Guy Garvey has the Christmas number 1, and Manchester Branch have once again issued details of the quiz from their end of year Branch social.

It's the usual routine on the blog. I reproduce the quiz questions below. I place my own pisspoor answers in the comment box. Not ONE of my seven three readers - what with me just reading books and half-watching films it's been a fallow year for the blog - join in the spirit of the season by trying to supply their own answers and I then post the correct answers in the comments box at a later date.

. . . .Oh, and I once again use a variation on the same post title that I always use for the Manchester Branch end of year quizzes because I can't think of any wittier alternatives, and this year it actually makes sense.

Your starter for ten nine:

1. Which song contains the following lines?

In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold,

Greater than the might of armies, magnified a thousand-fold.

We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old.

2. How many members did the Party have at its foundation?

3. He was born in Leeds in 1884; Kropotkin taught him to skate; Lord Alfred Douglas sued him for libel; he was the only British journalist present at the founding of the Comintern; he married Trotsky's secretary; he was an agent for MI6; he wrote a best-selling series of children's books. Who was he?

4. Who wrote many theatre reviews for the Socialist Standard in the 1990s?

5. Who was Dic Penderyn?

6. Who was Philoren, and what was the title of his book?

7. Why is Edmund Wilson's book on the background to the Bolshevik Revolution called To the Finland Station?

8. Two people were expelled from the SDF at its Burnley conference in 1904. One was Horace Hawkins; who was the other?

9. What happened in Tilbury on 22 June 1948?

Get googling guessing.

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